Free Politics_Use mobility as a tool
KeDing, Wen-Chi, Laura, JC
Imagine in the future, people can vote anytime and anywhere anonymously in the VR environment. Using the mobility of VR, people can realize the goal of free politics by reducing the time and labor cost of traditional secret ballots. Privacy, mobility, and information are what we want to put inside this experience.
In this VR sketch, we illustrated a space with politicians displayed on cards, the user can choose who they want to vote through gazing. Also, the information regarding each politician will be displayed with UI interface to acknowledge people before voting. The demo shows the space and basic workflow of voting as a conceptual approach to tackle the topic.
When exploring the possibilities of mobility for social change, it is important that we recognize the most impactful ways of doing so. Getting voters to the polls can be a tough challenge for politicians. By using a VR voting booth citizens of the world can vote without interrupting their day. In order to educate themselves on local issues/candidates, an AR app can help one view issues in real time such as fixing public roads or improving school systems and see which candidates will help them.
People can read candidates’ political platforms before voting which helps educate people about elections. There should be audio playing in the environment to help people who can’t read or with physical disabilities.